V.99 Demo

The Demo is still updated occasionally for it to be more "complete" and bug free. Otherwise, we are working on the full game, holding testing on Discord for those who want to see what's coming up next!

V. 0.99 Demo + Full Game Notes

-Adjusted combo attack timing to feel more realistic for all weapons

-Thornballs can now destroy objects

-Added Slot Machines that possibly can appear in Public Event rooms

-Acts are now generally shorter, with fewer forced Battles. Maps used to have 8-14 potential rooms to enter, but now they are closer to 8-11.

-Fixed Save System

-Added animal to pet in Lobby

-Adjusted some Tutorials

-Added more choices in multiple events

-Added more Breakroom Enemies

-Added 2 more Audience Members

-Added 2 new Tracks from @SaiyaSounds for Minigames

-Added many more Echelon TV Convos

-Demo now is Rank D only, preventing any Rank Up (It's just easier to understand)

V.75 Game Notes only (Available during testing) 

-Rank B fully implemented, Rank A prevented temporarily

-Added Act 4, introduced in Rank B. Has new enemies, traps, and a Boss whose moveset changes depending on Rivals faced

-Moved Pumpkin Enemy to Act 4

-Added Corrupted Enemy Variants starting in Rank B - these are powered up versions of normal enemies

-Added more lilypads in Act 3 so there is less long dashing on water

-Generally, Act 3 adjusted to be easier, though is still likely too difficult (less so balance issues more so design issues)

-Added cutscenes: Narenga Rank C, Narenga Rank B, Rank Up Rank C, Rank Up Rank B

-Added Great Tree roots to talk to other roots (alpha) 


Rogue LabyrinthDemoHTML.zip Play in browser
45 days ago

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