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I have to say that I'm basically agreeing with booellean about the game and the points which could be improved. However, I have some additional points:

1. I know that you put a lot of work in layouting the levels, but for me both levels felt a little too long. Breaking them down may be too much work now, but havnig more levels would benefit the jam theme with "one more time".

2. I think the hit detection on the enemies could be improved. So you not only kill the enemies directly from to but also from the top left and top right. I found myself getting damage way too often because I was just a little bit too low for the head detection.

3. The sprites for the pig birds are just scaled up. Maybe invest some time and redraw them with the same resolution.

Other than that really solid game. Good job for your first game jam. Looking forwart to seeing the final result.

Thanks for the feedback about levels! I am planning, if i have time, to make 3 levels from each 1 level (1-1, 1-2, etc). The levels are already planned out in that way - i just need to add little Al fights and actually split them up. If I have time.

I extended the jumping for the new version, but it still isn't perfect and likely won't ever at this point in the timeframe left. A casualty of game jams. And the fact I am definitely not a programmer.

The big borbs, like the old slimes, is totally placeholder, yeah. It'll look mostly the same but in the correct resolution.

Overall a really fun solid game. The sprites were cute and easy to read, the use of black and white was well used to differentiate foreground, background, and characters (not an easy task), and the physics were a natural experience.  Here are some things I think should be reviewed:

1.) Personally, when spacebar is used to jump, I prefer to use the arrow keys over WASD for movement, that way I can use both hands. That may just be a personal preference, but most games I've played allow for both.

2.) Implement some sort of flashing or fade out when the player is damaged, returning to normal when the invincibility is gone; It was hard to time when my invincibility is over, and this will also help differentiate between enemy and player damage since these two make the same noise.

3.) There was a strange bug where when I hit ESC and selected to exit, the game just continued, the character froze in place (not interacting with anything) and key presses did not read.

4. ) I enjoyed how respawns worked. That being said, I couldn't tell if I was supposed to avoid the enemies or clear the enemies before proceeding. Because ghosts wouldn't go back to their original position, they would block paths and then I'd have no choice but to take damage.

Thank you!

1. The controls are a mess, I agree. I thought I set it to both arrows and WD but it turns out the arrows don't work in this version.

2. The invincibility blinking idea is good - I'll hopefully have the time to put that in and didn't even think of it at the time.

3. Yeah, the pause menu is all kinds of messed up. I just stole it from another scene so ESC could pause, but none of the buttons do anything except crash the game, and to exit you have to ALT+F4

4. Honestly for respawns I just wanted the game to be however people wanted to play it. I did implement that some of the health came back after respawning, but enemies did not, allowing any killable enemy to be gone forever to make the game easier.

The ghost placement was a mistake for the most part, I agree. Most times I tested the game myself I would respawn the entire game because I'd be debugging and just spawn wherever I wanted, thus I never experienced that ghost issue - I'll try and figure something out for them (or just make them able to be jumped on so they can be avoided more easily).

Thank you again for all this! This was very much helpful.

NP, I love the art of games ^_^

I know the problem you described in the last paragraph very well. Have you set the collision detection on your rigidbodies to "Continuous"? If not, do it. This will maybe solve your problem. 

Thank you! I will give it a try.

Currently I think it is because I made two levels in 1 scene, and there are too mamy moving parts.

Should not be a problem. Does all moving objects in your scene have a RigidBody2D on it? If not, you should do it ;)

I put everything on Box Collider 2D, so that probably is an issue. It seems to work though, so long as frames aren't dropped.